Hello, friend! Thank you so much for offering to help me with my task!
As a storytelling robot, my job is to generate stories and display them one at a time. But I only have 5 lines on my tiny little screen!
Each line can only contain one sentence, so my stories can only be up to 5 sentences long.
For example, this story has only 3 sentences, so it fits:

I need your help creating a story world that allows me to tell lots of different stories that will fit on my screen.
I've already decided on a medieval setting and a small set of characters, locations, actions, and items. Here's everything I know about the story world so far. Please read this very carefully:
Tom is sick today. He is at home at his Cottage, and needs to get a special Potion from a Merchant who lives in a nearby Mansion and sells goods at the Market during the day. There is a Guard at the Market who wants to arrest criminals. At the beginning, a Bandit, who is known to be a criminal, has appeared at the Market.

What each character has:
- Tom has one coin.
- The Merchant has the special Potion and a sword.
- The Guard has a sword.
- The Bandit has a sword and one coin.
What each character wants:
- Tom wants to be at his Cottage with the Potion.
- The Merchant wants to have as many coins as possible.
- The Guard wants to arrest criminals.
- The Bandit wants to have as many coins as possible.
What characters can do (as long as they're not asleep, dead, or arrested):
- Characters can walk between the three locations (Tom's Cottage, the Market, and the Merchant's Mansion).
- Characters at the Market in the daytime can buy something from the Merchant for one coin.
- Characters can take something from another character who inactive (asleep, dead, or arrested); but this is a crime unless they're taking back something that belongs to them.
- An armed character can rob another character who is active (steal one item from them), but this is always a crime!
- An armed character can attack and kill another character, which is also a crime.
- The Guard can arrest a character he believes to be a criminal (the Bandit, or another character who commits a crime in front of the Guard).
- Tom can wait for night. At night, the Guard disappears to an unknown location, and the Merchant goes to sleep at her Mansion (bringing all of her items with her).
Characters automatically know about events that happen in their current location, and can see what items other characters in their location have.
Every story must end with Tom either succeeding (being at his Cottage with the Potion) or failing (getting arrested or attacked).
The story world is almost complete, but I'm stuck on a few remaining details. I could really use your help... What do you think about each of these questions?
Choice 1: Should the Bandit initially know that Tom has a coin?
Choice 2: Should being armed keep characters safe from getting robbed? (Yes means: armed characters can only rob someone who is unarmed. No means: armed characters can rob anyone.)
Choice 3: Should being armed keep characters safe from getting attacked? (Yes means: armed characters can only attack someone who is unarmed. No means: armed characters can attack anyone.)
Choice 4: When the guard arrests criminals, should he tie them up, or haul them away to some unknown location? (Tie them up means: the Guard and arrested criminal stay in the same location; Take them away means: they both disappear.)
Choice 5: Should sleeping characters wake up when someone interacts with them?
Choice 6: Should armed robbery be loud enough to be heard from anywhere, besides just the location where it occurs? (Yes means: all characters observe the effects of robbery. No means: only characters in the same location as the robbery observe its effects.)
Choice 7: Should the Merchant be willing to commit crimes to achieve her goals?
Choice 8: Should Tom be willing to commit crimes to achieve his goal?